Terms Of Service.

JLD School of Dance - Terms of Service

Please ensure that you have read the terms and conditions of enrolment before submitting a registration form. These rules apply to all students, including those who currently attend classes.

Fees, deposits and refunds

•           A fee is charged for each class enrolled per term, please see fee table for details.

•           Students are expected to attend all classes and an invoice will be raised for the whole term. If an exam is taken part way through the term the student is welcome to move to the next level at the discretion of the class teacher.

•           Fees will only be pro rata when a student starts during a term.

•           A pro-forma invoice for students who enrol during the year will be issued to enable payment immediately.


•           Invoices must be settled prior to the start of each term.

•           New students should pay using the pro-forma invoice issued following the trial class.

•           Payment can be made as detailed on your invoice.

•           If you wish to make a payment plan this needs to be agreed prior to the start of term.

Late Payment

•           The payer will receive written notice if payment has not been received in accordance with these terms and conditions.

•           JLD School of Dancing reserves the right to charge a late payment fee if an invoice remains unpaid after the first week of a new term.

Register, attendance and absence

•           A register for each class is maintained by the teacher and records student attendance for the purposes of health and safety and security.

•           If a student is absent from class for four or more consecutive weeks, a refund may be given on the evidence of a medical certificate, this is at the discretion of the Principal. The medical certificate must be provided within one month of the absence otherwise no refund will be given.

•           If a class is cancelled due to the sickness of the teacher, a health epidemic or any other seen or unforeseen event, JLD School of Dancing will endeavour to reschedule the class. This may be on a different day or a different time or both from when the class was originally scheduled, and might involve an extension to the term time dates. No refunds will be given in this case.

Right to attend, change classes, withdrawal and termination of attendance

•           Students are required to give half a term's written notice if they wish to withdraw from classes. Failure to inform JLD School of Dancing of withdrawal will result in the next half a terms fees being charged.

•           Students are welcome to change to another class at the discretion of the Principal.


•           Physical contact may be necessary by members of the teaching faculty. If you have any concerns regarding this matter please contact the school.

•           From time to time images may be taken for promotion purposes by JLD School of Dancing including being displayed on JLD School of Dancing premisses, placed on the internet and in the press. If you do NOT wish your child to be included in these images please indicate in the confirmation section below.

Conduct and discipline

•           Pupils are expected to conduct themselves in a disciplined manner whilst attending classes. Pupils and parents/guardians are required to be respectful to both staff and pupils always. Failure to observe this may result in students being asked to leave with no refund.

•           All students are required to follow the uniform list for each class. Hair must be tied off face for all dance classes. For ballet from Grade 2 upwards a bun is compulsory. If a student does not adhere to this they may not be able to participate and no refund will be given.


•           JLD School of Dancing reserves the right to alter the advertised programme and faculty without prior notice.

Changes to the terms and conditions

•           The Academy reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time providing one term’s notice is given to students.

Agreement to the terms and conditions

•           Parents and guardians of students attending classes are required to sign their acceptance of the terms and conditions for each student related to or their responsibility by signing the confirmation below, and returning it to JLD School of Dancing prior to the start of a new term.    

Data Protection

JLD School of Dancing provides dance training, services to a range of customers. It holds contact details to enable it to provide customers with essential ongoing information relating to the programme of study and course(s) the student attends and for emergency contact.

For more information of how JLD School of Dancing manages your personal data, please review our Privacy Policy

Signature: Hayley Crunden (Principal)


Reviewed and Updated 27th July 2020